About Waltham Forest Time To Talk
Waltham Forest Time To Talk has been operating since March 2018 and supports individuals to challenge the stigma and discrimination that still exists in mental health. For more information please email us at ttcwfhub@gmail.com and you can sign up for our newsletter here.
Join Us In Ending the Stigma of Mental Ill Health
We would love to hear from anyone with a lived experience of mental ill health, or someone who cares for someone mentally unwell or who feels passionate about changing the way people view those who experience mental illness.
Evidence shows that one of the most powerful ways to challenge stigma and discrimination is through lived experience and sharing experiences with others.
These conversations help challenge the misconceptions and negative stereotypes around mental health. Conversations can take place anywhere but where they have proved most successful is through engaging the public in an activity, or an event or workshop.
Champions have successfully delivered a range of activities for members of the local community including, Hearing Voices Group Lounge, The Living Library and Who are 1 in 4?
For more information please email us at ttcwfhub@gmail.com. and you can sign up for our newsletter here.